1 Aug 2024 Jakub Romanowski Free Course of the Month – GROUP BY Extensions in PostgreSQL Updated on: August 1, 2024 Do you work with data? Want to be able to create better and more sophisticated SQL reports? Then check out our interactive GROUP BY Extensions in PostgreSQL course. In August 2024, you can complete this online PostgreSQL course for FREE! How can you get this free SQL course in August 2024? Create a free LearnSQL.com account or log in if you already have one. Read more 18 Apr 2024 Tihomir Babic GROUP BY and Aggregate Functions: A Complete Overview SQL’s GROUP BY and aggregate functions are essential in data aggregation – and for analyzing data and creating reports. Let’s explore them together! In SQL, GROUP BY and aggregate functions are one of the language’s most popular features. Data aggregation is critical for data analysis and reporting; to make sense of all the data in a dataset, it often needs to be aggregated. But what is data aggregation? Put simply, it’s when you group data based on common values and perform a calculation for each data group. Read more 15 Feb 2024 Maria Durkin SQL HAVING Clause: A Tutorial for Beginners So, you're new to SQL and have just stumbled upon the HAVING clause. But what does it do? Why is it essential? In this article, we'll delve into the basics of the HAVING clause in SQL. And we’ll walk through practical exercises to enhance your understanding of its functionality. Let's start by defining Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is a powerful and standardized programming language designed specifically for managing and manipulating relational databases; simply put, it is how we communicate with the databases that hold all of our important data. Read more 21 Nov 2023 Maria Durkin SQL Aggregate Functions: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Are you curious about SQL aggregate functions and how they apply to real-world scenarios? In this article, we'll explore SQL aggregate functions, showcase real-world examples, and offer valuable insights on how to master them. Data aggregation is the process of taking several rows of data and condensing them into a single result or summary. When dealing with large datasets, this is invaluable because it allows you to extract relevant insights without having to scrutinize each individual data point. Read more 16 Nov 2023 Ignacio L. Bisso 10 GROUP BY SQL Practice Exercises with Solutions Need to practice your SQL skills? These 10 GROUP BY practice exercises – with explanations and solutions – are a great start! GROUP BY is a powerful SQL clause that allows you to create groups of records and then calculate summary metrics (such as averages) for those groups. However, GROUP BY is often challenging for SQL learners to master. Yet, practicing GROUP BY is very important if you’re planning on using SQL. Read more 8 Aug 2023 Dominika Florczykowska What Does GROUP BY 1 and GROUP BY 1, 2, 3 Mean in SQL? Have you ever come across the unfamiliar GROUP BY 1 syntax in SQL queries and wondered what it's all about? Well, you're not alone! In this article, we'll dive into this syntax, explain its purpose, and make it easier to understand. Whether you are a regular SQL user or you’re just beginning to learn this language, you have probably worked with GROUP BY before. The GROUP BY clause in SQL is used to group rows from a table based on one or more columns. Read more 25 Jul 2023 Tihomir Babic Using GROUP BY and ORDER BY Together: A Guide Untangling how to use two basic SQL clauses – GROUP BY and ORDER BY – in one query. GROUP BY and ORDER BY are basic SQL clauses. As such, they are taught relatively early in the learning process. And they usually don’t present a big hurdle to beginners. However, using GROUP BY and ORDER BY together can be confusing. By the end of this article, your confusion on this subject will go away. Read more 29 Jun 2023 Radu Gheorghiu How to Use COUNT() with GROUP BY: 5 Practical Examples Using the COUNT() function with GROUP BY is one of the most common SQL constructs in aggregate queries. Read this article to find out how to use COUNT() with GROUP BY correctly using 5 examples. In this article, we will explain the importance of using COUNT with GROUP BY. We’ll talk about why it is essential in SQL and how it enables data analysis and summarization based on specific criteria. Read more 30 May 2023 Gustavo du Mortier How to Use SUM() with GROUP BY: A Guide with 8 Examples Explore some real-world examples of using SUM() and GROUP BY in SQL, from the most basic to the most sophisticated. SUM() is a SQL aggregate function that computes the sum of the given values. GROUP BY is a SQL clause that partitions rows into groups and computes a stated aggregate function for each group. Using these two functions together, you can compute total sums for a group of rows. In this article, we’ll see 8 different examples of how you can combine SUM() and GROUP BY to create many different reports. Read more 30 Mar 2023 Nicole Darnley How to Use CASE WHEN in GROUP BY Learn how you can combine SQL CASE WHEN and GROUP BY to create custom categories in your SQL queries. Raw data, by its very nature, is not always human readable. Many times, the data you’re querying is in its most unformatted form. Examples of this include codes for different business departments or product SKUs that represent specific products. To the naked eye, these codes mean nothing, so pulling them into a report is not helpful for the person reading them. Read more 26 Jan 2023 Gustavo du Mortier How to Group by Multiple Columns in SQL When analyzing large data sets, you often create groupings and apply aggregate functions to find totals or averages. In these cases, using the GROUP BY clause with multiple columns unfolds its full potential. GROUP BY is a clause of the SELECT command. It allows you to compute various statistics for a group of rows. For example, you can use GROUP BY with an employee table to know how many employees are of each gender. Read more 20 Dec 2022 Nicole Darnley How to Use WHERE with GROUP BY in SQL In this article, we’ll discuss how to combine the WHERE and GROUP BY clauses in SQL. If you’re writing SQL on a daily basis, you will quickly realize how often both WHERE and GROUP BY clauses are used. WHERE is an essential part of most queries. It allows you to filter large datasets to only the pieces you are interested in. GROUP BY is one of the most powerful tools an analyst has when aggregating data. Read more 10 Nov 2022 Tihomir Babic How to Use GROUP BY in SQL In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on using GROUP BY in SQL. Uncover the nuances of the GROUP BY clause and learn different ways of using it. GROUP BY is one of the most-used clauses in SQL. It moves you from simply selecting data from the database to grouping rows with the same column values into one group. When used with SQL’s aggregate functions, you can use GROUP BY to compute metrics like counting the number of instances or finding the total, average, minimum, or maximum value. Read more 17 May 2022 Tihomir Babic Top 9 SQL GROUP BY Interview Questions Preparing for an SQL job interview? This guide will walk you through nine basic, intermediate, and advanced GROUP BY questions that you may have to answer. There are common GROUP BY questions that pop up in a lot of SQL job interviews; in this article, we’ll explain how to answer them. If you are a data analyst or another data professional preparing for an interview, this article aims to help you out. Read more 30 Dec 2021 Tihomir Babic How to Include Zero in a COUNT() Aggregate Explaining how to include zero (0) counts in your SQL query result. Here’s the problem: you want to count something that doesn’t exist, and you want to show your result as zero. How do you do that in SQL? Using the COUNT() aggregate function is a reasonable first step. It will count all the data it finds and return the number of occurrences. But what if there are no occurrences of certain data? Read more 8 Oct 2021 Andrew Bone How to Sort Values in a Specific Order in SQL Sometimes you will be required to order your data in a particular way, and often the use of typical sort modifiers like ASC and DESC are not enough. This article will show you how to use the CASE statement to order your data exactly how you need it to be. Have you ever needed to order your data in a very specific way? One of the best methods for handling complex sorting is using CASE. Read more 23 Sep 2021 Himanshu Kathuria Find Top Salaries by Department with SQL This article shows how to get the total salary by department for an organization, using the GROUP BY functionality of SQL. We explain the SQL GROUP BY clause in detail along with conditional filtering using a HAVING clause. Understanding the salary outlay for an organization is one of the common starting points for business leaders. It helps them see who in the organization has the highest total salary cost, department-wise. Read more 13 Jul 2021 Andrew Bone What Is the SQL GROUPING SETS Clause, and How Do You Use it? GROUPING SETS are groups, or sets, of columns by which rows can be grouped together. Instead of writing multiple queries and combining the results with a UNION, you can simply use GROUPING SETS. GROUPING SETS in SQL can be considered an extension of the GROUP BY clause. It allows you to define multiple grouping sets in the same query. Let’s look at its syntax and how it can be equivalent to a GROUP BY with multiple UNION ALL clauses. Read more 19 May 2021 Tihomir Babic What Is Advanced SQL? Updated on: May 30, 2024 Are you confused about advanced SQL skills? What are they? This article will explain what advanced SQL can mean, especially as we use it on LearnSQL.com. I’m sure you find the phrases ‘advanced SQL skills’ or ‘advanced SQL topics’ very often. You read one article about advanced SQL and you’re happy with how easy these advanced topics seem to be. Then you talk to someone and you see they consider everything you know as basic SQL knowledge. Read more 18 Mar 2021 Jakub Romanowski New SQL Course: GROUP BY Extensions in PostgreSQL Do you want to take your knowledge of PostgreSQL to the next level? I have something for you: LearnSQL.com’s new GROUP BY Extensions in PostgreSQL course! It will help you get even more out of your data and create better reports and summaries. Fasten your seat belts and prepare to see what GROUP BY can do when it’s turbocharged. First, I have to confess something. I am not objective – I think PostgreSQL is the best and coolest SQL dialect. Read more 16 Feb 2021 Marija Ilic What Is GROUP BY in SQL? GROUP BY is a great SQL feature that allows you to perform powerful calculations on grouped data. Do you want to learn how to get powerful insights from your data? Would you like to know what GROUP BY does and when you should use it? If your answer is yes, keep reading. In this article, you will learn exactly that. Why You Need GROUP BY In today's digitized world – no matter what business you are in – database tables are usually huge, with millions of records. Read more 27 Jan 2021 Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń Why Aren’t SQL Window Functions Allowed in GROUP BY? It’s true – the SQL order of operations means window functions aren’t allowed in GROUP BY. But you can use them anyway with this special trick. SQL window functions are one of the language’s most powerful features. However, the syntax of window functions is not easy to master. It has lots of details that can cause beginners to stumble. One of the most common traps is trying to use window functions in GROUP BY. Read more 26 Jan 2021 Marija Ilic 7 Common GROUP BY Errors Are you making these errors with GROUP BY in SQL? Find out what they are, how to avoid them, and how to fix them. SQL’s GROUP BY statement can quickly uncover powerful data insights. At first, using GROUP BY can seem easy – e.g. when creating basic SQL reports that you’ll present to business decision-makers. But while learning this powerful feature, you could become trapped in weird errors or get incorrect results caused by improperly written GROUP BY statements. Read more 15 Dec 2020 Tihomir Babic How to Use CASE WHEN With SUM() in SQL This article will teach you what a CASE WHEN expression is in SQL and how to use it with a SUM() function and a GROUP BY statement. The examples are included to bolster your understanding. The best way to learn about CASE WHEN and how to use it with SUM() is our hands-on course Creating Basic SQL Reports. It contains over 90 interactive exercises that will teach you different techniques how to create complex reports in SQL. Read more 3 Nov 2020 LearnSQL.com Team SQL Course of the Month – GROUP BY Extensions in SQL Do you want to develop your SQL skills? Do you want to get more out of your data and prepare better reports and summaries? The answer is learning to use SQL’s GROUP BY extensions. But how should you go about this? I asked the same question to Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń, Vertabelo’s Chief Content Officer. As she explains, the secret is in this November’s free SQL Course of the Month: GROUP BY Extensions in SQL. Read more 29 Oct 2020 Tihomir Babic What is the Difference Between COUNT(*), COUNT(1), COUNT(column), and COUNT(DISTINCT)? Have you noticed there are different variations of the SQL COUNT() function? This article explains the various arguments and their uses. As a SQL user, you’re probably quite familiar with the COUNT() function. Even though it’s relatively simple, it can be used in several different ways. Each way has a very different use. I imagine you’ve seen code that contains the function COUNT(*) or COUNT(1). You’ve probably also seen some other uses of the COUNT() function, such as COUNT(column name) and COUNT(DISTINCT column name), even if you haven’t used them. Read more 27 Oct 2020 Kateryna Koidan How to Fix a 'Not a GROUP BY Expression' Error Whether you are an experienced SQL user or only a beginner, your SQL queries may return errors. The accompanying messages are supposed to help you fix them; however, sometimes the messages are not very helpful. The Oracle message “Not a GROUP BY expression” is one such example. Let’s review what this is about and how to fix it. We are going to assume some basic understanding of how GROUP BY works. Read more 15 Sep 2020 Kateryna Koidan GROUP BY in SQL Explained The SQL GROUP BY statement is easy to use, but it can be hard to master. Learn what you can do with GROUP BY, how it works, and how to use it with aggregate functions. GROUP BY is one of the basic SQL tools. However, it might be difficult for beginners to understand how GROUP BY works and how it is used to compute statistics with different aggregate functions. In this article, I’ll use several examples to show exactly how GROUP BY organizes rows and how aggregate functions can be used to calculate statistics on one or more columns. Read more 2 Sep 2020 Zahin Rahman How to Find Duplicate Values in SQL — The Ultimate Guide Updated on: November 28th, 2023 Find duplicate values in SQL efficiently and avoid wasting resources. This article demonstrates how to locate and address duplicate records using SQL's GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. Database best practices usually dictate having unique constraints (such as the primary key) on a table to prevent the duplication of rows when data is extracted and consolidated. However, you may find yourself working on a dataset with duplicate rows. Read more 27 Aug 2020 Ignacio L. Bisso How Does SQL GROUP BY Work? Grouping results is a powerful SQL feature that allows you to compute key statistics for a group of records. GROUP BY is one of SQL’s most powerful clauses. It allows you to see data in a new way and find key metrics (like the average, maximal, and minimal values in a group of records). Without GROUP BY, all the results we obtain are oriented to records. With GROUP BY, we can create groups of records and calculate metrics on each group. Read more 20 Aug 2020 Adrian Więch 5 Examples of GROUP BY When you start learning SQL, you quickly come across the GROUP BY clause. Data grouping—or data aggregation—is an important concept in the world of databases. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how you can use the GROUP BY clause in practice. We’ve gathered five GROUP BY examples, from easier to more complex ones so you can see data grouping in a real-life scenario. As a bonus, you’ll also learn a bit about aggregate functions and the HAVING clause. Read more 31 Jul 2020 Dorota Wdzięczna The SQL HAVING Clause Explained What is the SQL HAVING clause? Why do you need it, and where do you use it? We’ll explain HAVING in detail. HAVING is a very common clause in SQL queries. Like WHERE, it helps filter data; however, HAVING works in a different way. If you are familiar with the GROUP BY clause and have only heard about HAVING – or if you’re not familiar with HAVING at all – this article is what you need. Read more 21 Jul 2020 Zahin Rahman Using GROUP BY in SQL Now that you know SQL’s core commands, power up your queries with the GROUP BY clause and aggregate functions. GROUP BY is a SQL clause that arranges data into groups based on a common value (or values). It is widely used to obtain summary information for large datasets as well as for computing basic aggregate statistics. Once you have grasped SQL’s basic commands like SELECT, WHERE, and JOIN, mastering the GROUP BY clause can help you implement your SQL knowledge in real-world business intelligence scenarios. Read more 16 Apr 2020 Emil Drkušić Differences Between GROUP BY and PARTITION BY Window functions are a great addition to SQL, and they can make your life much easier if you know how to use them properly. Today, we will address the differences between a GROUP BY and a PARTITION BY. We’ll start with the very basics and slowly get you to a point where you can keep researching on your own. PARTITION BY vs. GROUP BY The PARTITION BY and the GROUP BY clauses are used frequently in SQL when you need to create a complex report. Read more 10 Dec 2019 Shanika Wickramasinghe Difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in Simple Words For someone who is learning SQL, one of the most common places to get stuck is when learning the GROUP BY command. GROUP BY and ORDER BY are two important keywords in SQL that we use to organize data. The difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY is that ORDER BY is more simple than GROUP BY and is usually introduced early in an SQL course. Sometimes, people are quite confused over these two concepts (SQL ORDER BY vs. Read more 23 Nov 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna SQL Hacks To Control Family Budget On Black Friday Weekend If you’re in the US, chances are you’ve been eagerly awaiting the approach of Black Friday just as much as Thanksgiving. Though the shopping frenzy takes hold of nearly everyone, some people have to stick to their budgets and shop prudently. In this article, we’ll take a look at how generating an SQL report can help you track how much your family spent shopping on Black Friday. Storing Black Friday Purchases in a Database Before we can create an SQL report, we first need some data we can use. Read more 27 Apr 2017 Maria Alcaraz NULL Values and the GROUP BY Clause We've already covered how to use the GROUP BY clause and some aggregation functions like SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN(), COUNT(). In this article, we will explain how the GROUP BY clause works when NULL values are involved. We will also explain about using NULLs with the ORDER BY clause. The best way to master GROUP BY and NULL in SQL is through practice. I recommend the SQL Practice track at LearnSQL. Read more 25 Jan 2017 Jeffrey J. Keller Grouping, Rolling, and Cubing Data The first two articles in this series highlighted SQL Server's ability to organize data into user-defined windows and its aggregate functions. Part 3 will focus on other methods of aggregating and organizing data using built-in SQL Server features – specifically, its grouping functions. For consistency, the same base data will be used as in the first two parts of this series. CREATE TABLE WindowTable (WindowID INT IDENTITY, House Varchar(32), FullName Varchar(64), PhysicalSkill Decimal(4, 2), MentalSkill Decimal (4, 2)) GO Read more