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7 Apr 2020
Arleta Więch
Choose the Best Way to Learn SQL
SQL has become a hot topic in the professional world, and many resources have appeared both online and offline for learning SQL. It’s easy to get lost in the jungle of books, tutorials, and courses. Which resources do you choose? If you want to know how to learn SQL quickly and effectively, take a look at my list. There are many reasons for learning SQL. We asked our users about them and learned that there was no universal motive.
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3 Apr 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
SQL Cookbook with Recipes for Success
The internet holds a lot of information and can provide solutions to various problems. SQL users, both beginners and advanced, often turn to the internet for help with SQL queries. This article will help you find the right SQL queries to solve your problems. Learn what the SQL Cookbook is and why you should use it. You will also find a list of the most important recipes, from which you will prepare a great SQL dish with the taste of success.
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2 Apr 2020
Kate Stolarek
Are There Any Good SQL Courses for Marketers?
Looking for places to learn SQL online and level up your marketing efforts? Check out these SQL courses. Introduction With the help of IT experts, meticulous marketers analyze information to create advertising strategies. This commonplace state of affairs forces the marketer to rely on data experts and sometimes wait for their availability. But what if marketers could pull the data themselves? They can – by turning into a technical marketer.
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2 Apr 2020
Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń
How to Get the First Day of the Week in SQL Server
This is additional content for the course Customer Behavior Analysis in SQL Server. This interactive course will teach you how to analyze customer lifecycle in a SQL database in over 70 hands-on exercises. You will learn how to find out compare registration rates between periods of time, compute conversion rates in SQL, compare customer cohorts, analyze customer activity and customer churn over time. This course is essential for anyone doing customer analysis in their job.
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2 Apr 2020
Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń
How to Group Data by Week in SQL Server
This is additional content for the course Customer Behavior Analysis in SQL Server. In this course, we showed you how you can analyze the customer lifecycle (customer acquisition, conversion, activity, retention, and churn) with SQL. We discussed customer registration cohorts, or groups of customers who registered during the same period (e.g. same week, same month). Analyzing customer registration cohorts lets you see registration trends and relate registration cohorts with marketing campaigns.
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1 Apr 2020
Jakub Romanowski
Types of Database Jobs
Do you dream of high earnings and interesting work? Are you fed up with your boss and his or her annoying vacation stories in exotic countries? Is it time to change your job? Why not learn SQL? Here are some examples of the types of database jobs that may lead you to a better life. What types of database jobs use SQL? Here are some examples, but first, a small caveat.
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31 Mar 2020
Rebecca McKeown
The 50 Best Resources for Learning SQL (Updated for 2024)
Do you want to know where to learn SQL? We’ve got you covered with the ultimate list of 50 SQL learning resources, including the best SQL courses, tutorials, books, and much, much more! Learning SQL can be hard enough without wading through thousands of websites and articles. So, we thought we’d do you a solid and put the top SQL resources here in this handy slice of the internet.
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27 Mar 2020
Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń
Why Window Functions Are Not Allowed in WHERE Clauses
Window functions are extremely powerful, but there are a lot of nuances and little details you need to learn about using window functions in order to use them correctly and efficiently. A fairly common question SQL users have is why window functions are not allowed in WHERE. TL;DR: You can use window functions in SELECT and ORDER BY. You cannot use window functions in WHERE, GROUP BY, or HAVING.
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25 Mar 2020
Kamil Bladoszewski
How to Rank Rows in SQL: A Complete Guide
Don’t struggle with SQL ranking functions anymore! This article will guide you through the most common ranking use cases. Rankings are used around us every day. Sports tournaments, the best movies and TV series on Netflix, stores with the cheapest products—these are only a few examples of rankings you might’ve seen recently. Using SQL RANK functions might be hard sometimes. The variety of different constructions is enormous. You can easily get lost in everything there is to learn about ranking.
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24 Mar 2020
Emil Drkušić
How to Practice SQL JOINs
There is no better way to learn how to practice SQL joins than through hands-on experience. However, there will probably be obstacles along the way. I’ll cover some of these obstacles and give ideas for how to overcome them. While this article won’t turn you into SQL JOINs expert, it will show you how to become one. So, let’s start! Diving into the world of databases? Then you've likely come across SQL joins.
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