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Why Learn SQL?

In a world overflowing with data, SQL is the key to making sense of it all. It's the bridge between raw numbers and meaningful insights. In this article, I'll explore SQL’s unmatched value in our data-centric era. Let's answer the question: "Why learn SQL?"

Every day, businesses and individuals generate and interact with vast amounts of data, seeking insights and solutions. Amidst this data-driven environment, a pressing question arises: Why learn SQL? As the cornerstone of database management, SQL offers the keys to unlock these insights.

In this article, I will delve into the compelling reasons to learn SQL, showcasing its enduring importance and explaining how platforms like are making mastery of this language both accessible and essential.

If you're set on learning SQL, I recommend starting with our SQL Basics course. It's a straightforward path with 129 interactive tasks that introduces you to the essentials, ensuring you start your data journey on the right foot.

What Is SQL?

SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a language designed specifically for managing and querying data in relational databases. Born out of the need to efficiently store, retrieve, and analyze vast amounts of data, SQL has become the gold standard for interacting with databases.

At its core, SQL is a query language. Unlike many programming languages that require detailed instructions to perform a task, SQL is declarative. Users specify what data they want, and the SQL engine takes care of the rest. This makes SQL relatively easy to learn, especially for beginners. Its syntax – designed to resemble natural language – hides the complexities of data retrieval, allowing users to focus on the data they need.

But SQL is more than just a tool for database professionals. It's a bridge that connects various professionals to the world of data. Whether you're a data analyst looking to extract insights, a marketer aiming to understand customer behavior, or a business owner trying to make informed decisions, SQL provides the means to access and analyze data without always relying on IT experts.

While SQL itself cannot be used to build applications, it plays a crucial role in communicating with the relational database systems embedded in many apps. As the digital landscape continues to evolve and the demand for apps grows, SQL's importance in the IT world (and beyond) is undeniable.

The Importance of SQL in the Modern World

The significance of SQL cannot be overstated. A study by Forbes highlighted that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. With such vast amounts of data being generated, the need for efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis systems is paramount. SQL, as the primary language for relational databases, is at the forefront of this data revolution.

The business world, in particular, has seen a shift towards data-centric decision-making. A report by McKinsey emphasized that companies leveraging data analytics have a 23% higher chance of outperforming their competitors. SQL, being the bridge between raw data and actionable insights, plays a pivotal role in this. Professionals equipped with SQL skills can directly query databases, bypassing the need for intermediary tools or personnel and leading to faster and more accurate business decisions.

Why Learn SQL?

Beyond the corporate sphere, SQL's importance extends to sectors like healthcare, finance, and even education. For instance, a study in the Journal of Medical Informatics detailed how SQL-based systems are revolutionizing patient data management, leading to more personalized and efficient healthcare solutions.

Furthermore, with the rise of Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT), the volume of data is set to grow exponentially. A forecast by Statista predicts that by 2025, the global data sphere will expand to 175 zettabytes. As this data influx continues, the role of SQL in organizing, accessing, and analyzing this data will only become more crucial.

The importance of SQL in the modern world transcends its technical roots. As the linchpin of data management and analysis, SQL stands as an indispensable tool in a world where data is the new currency.

Reasons Why You Should Learn SQL

Here are four excellent reasons why you should learn SQL before any other technology:

1.   SQL Is a Common Standard

During the last five decades, SQL has become a universal database query language. It was created by IBM engineers in the 1970s, which means it has a long history. It has achieved widespread use and acceptance, and it is very well documented.

SQL was the first DBMS (Database Management System) language deemed as a standard in relational database communication by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

While SQL serves as a standardized language for database management and operations, various database systems have created their own unique SQL dialects, often adding specific features or nuances tailored to their platform. The most popular dialects are:

Despite these variations, the foundational principles and core commands of SQL remain consistent across all dialects. This ensures that, once you grasp the basics, you can adapt to different database systems with relative ease.

SQL is universally recognized for its robustness and versatility. Its widespread adoption across industries and platforms underscores its reliability and efficiency. For anyone looking to work with databases, mastering SQL is not just a recommendation—it's the optimal choice, ensuring seamless data management and analysis across diverse systems.

2.   SQL Is Easy to Learn

Is SQL easy to learn? For many newcomers to IT, the answer is a clear yes. While languages like C# or Java require detailed instructions to solve problems, SQL is more straightforward. Users just tell the system what data they want and SQL does the work. This simplicity lets users concentrate on the data without getting bogged down in complex procedures.

SQL is a high-level programming language that is structured almost like our natural language, making it easy to understand. Even if you're new to programming, SQL's clear and simple style means you can learn the basics without getting lost in technical details.

Here are some great articles on learning SQL:

Want to know more? Stay updated with the latest insights and trends in the world of SQL by subscribing to our blog and newsletter. Just enter your email in the subscription form at the end of this article.

3.   SQL Is In Demand

Companies all over the world are on the lookout for professionals who can seamlessly navigate databases, extract insights, and drive data-centric strategies. Whether it's data analysts, database administrators, or even digital marketers, SQL proficiency often tops the list of desired skills.

Job platforms and career sites consistently highlight SQL as one of the most requested skills in IT job listings. A quick glance at platforms like Indeed or Glassdoor reveals numerous positions spanning different sectors – all emphasizing the importance of SQL knowledge. This demand is not just a fleeting trend; as businesses continue to recognize the value of data, the need for SQL experts is set to grow.

Speaking of data, let’s see some on SQL’s popularity. The latest Stack Overflow Survey – a comprehensive analysis of software developers' preferences and trends – has once again highlighted the significance of SQL. Drawing responses from 89,184 software developers across 185 countries, the survey offers a deep dive into the most popular technologies among professionals. Impressively, SQL secured the third position, underscoring its enduring relevance and widespread adoption among tech professionals globally.

Why Learn SQL?

Fun fact: In fourth place is Python, another powerful and easy-to-learn language that's highly favored by developers.

SQL isn't just for tech experts. Today, everyone from HR to sales benefits from understanding SQL. With data playing a key role in many job functions, a basic grasp of SQL helps employees across departments make smarter, data-informed decisions.

Need new career opportunities? Check out my articles How SQL Skills Can Boost Your Resume and Top 10 Websites That Will Help You Find the Perfect SQL Job.

4.   SQL Enhances Data Analytics Skills

SQL empowers analysts to delve deep into databases, extracting meaningful insights that can guide decision-making. With SQL, they can formulate complex queries, aggregating and filtering data to discern patterns, trends, and anomalies. This capability transforms raw data into actionable intelligence, providing a clearer picture of business performance and market dynamics.

Excel and Google Sheets are great for basic tasks, but SQL shines when dealing with large data sets and complex analysis. While spreadsheets can bog down with too much data, SQL handles millions of records with ease. And unlike spreadsheets – where data can be accidentally changed – SQL databases keep data consistent and secure, making it a more reliable choice for serious data work.

Mastering SQL amplifies the potential of data analytics. It not only equips professionals with the technical skills to navigate databases, it also fosters a deeper understanding of data dynamics. This combination of technical prowess and analytical acumen positions SQL learners at the forefront of the data revolution, ready to drive impactful change through informed insights.

Interested? Here are some additional helpful resources:

5.   SQL Supports Other Programming Languages

SQL's versatility extends beyond just database management; it seamlessly integrates with various programming languages, enhancing their capabilities. For instance, a web developer using PHP can embed SQL queries within their code to fetch user data from a database, enabling dynamic content display based on user preferences. This integration ensures that websites and applications are responsive and tailored to individual user experiences.

In the realm of data science, Python and R are popular choices for data analysis. However, when these languages are paired with SQL, their potential is amplified. A data scientist can use SQL commands within Python scripts, leveraging libraries like pandas to pull data directly from databases. This allows for real-time data analysis, ensuring that insights are always based on the most recent data.

Java, a widely used language for application development, also benefits from SQL integration. Java applications often rely on JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to interact with relational databases. By integrating SQL queries within Java code, developers can create applications that not only perform tasks but also interact with and manipulate data stored in databases, making applications more dynamic and data-driven.

Lastly, consider mobile app developers using Swift or Kotlin. These developers can integrate SQL to manage user data, game scores, or app preferences stored in local databases. As users interact with the app, SQL queries help retrieve, update, or delete data, ensuring the app remains responsive and user-centric.

6.   SQL Is Future-Proof

As the volume of data multiplies each day, the demand for reliable and efficient data management tools becomes paramount. SQL, having seamlessly adapted to technological shifts over the decades, is primed to meet these future challenges.

The adaptability of SQL ensures its compatibility with emerging technologies, solidifying its position as a cornerstone in data management. While trends come and go, the foundational principles of SQL remain relevant, making it a resilient choice in a world of rapid technological advancements.

As we gaze into the future, it's evident that data will be the driving force behind many innovations and strategies. In this data-centric era, SQL's proven capability and adaptability mark it as a technology that's not just current but also future-ready.

How to Get Started with SQL

Diving into the world of SQL can initially seem overwhelming. But at, we believe that anyone can master this language with the right guidance and resources.

First and foremost, it's essential to grasp the basics. One of the best first steps you can do towards becoming an expert is to check out our SQL Primer. You can share it with your friends and colleagues.

Once you're acquainted with the 'why' of SQL, it's time to delve into the 'how'. Begin with the foundational concepts: the structure of databases, basic SQL syntax, and crafting simple queries. For that, the best option is our SQL Basics interactive course. 

Why Learn SQL?

This online SQL course starts with single-table exercises and progresses to multi-table operations, and highlights various join methods like INNER, LEFT, and OUTER JOIN. As you advance, you'll explore the GROUP BY function, report creation, and subqueries. The course finishes with a quiz where you can earn a certificate for your hard work.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you play around with queries, test them out, and see the results, the more confident you'll become. So don’t stop with just the basics! To truly learn SQL, you need to keep progressing. Here are some courses to help you do that:

  • SQL Practice – Review and consolidate your SQL skills with tons of interactive exercises! In this learning path, you’ll practice SQL JOINs, aggregation with GROUP BY and HAVING, and subqueries (including correlated subqueries).
  • Advanced SQL – Discover SQL window functions, which enable you to use aggregate functions without losing individual rows’ details. Window functions (also called analytical functions or OVER() functions) let you rank data, compute running totals, and create reports with day-to-day or month-to-month deltas. You’ll also learn common table expressions (which make your code better organized and simpler to read) and recursive queries (which allow you to process hierarchical data like trees and graphs using SQL). Finally, advanced GROUP BY clauses like ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS add power and flexibility to your queries.
  • Window Functions Practice Set – Practice your new knowledge of window functions on these 100 interactive online exercises using three different real-life databases.
Why Learn SQL?

As you can see, we've covered the entire spectrum of SQL topics. From absolute beginners to seasoned professionals seeking advanced knowledge, anyone can find a holistic and effective learning experience on our platform.

Our platform is dedicated to making your SQL journey as intuitive and enriching as possible. Remember, every SQL expert started somewhere, and with commitment and our support, you're on a promising path to expertise.

Why Not Learn SQL?

SQL stands as a beacon in the vast realm of data management. It's not just a language; it's the key to unlocking meaningful insights from vast data sets. As our world becomes increasingly data-driven, mastering SQL is no longer a luxury. It’s a necessity.

Now you understand why learning SQL should be your next career step. I've provided reasons to invest your time and effort into mastering this powerful programming language. It’s your move now.

If you're keen on diving deep into SQL, is your perfect place. Our All Forever SQL Package is a game-changer, offering lifetime access to all of our wide range of SQL online courses. Think of it as a lifelong investment in your data-driven future. Don't miss out; seize this opportunity to grow your skills and your future