10th Feb 2022 14 minutes read How to Query a Parent-Child Tree in SQL Tihomir Babic sql learn sql cte Table of Contents What Is a Parent-Child Tree? Parent-Child Tree Structure in Relational Databases Typical Queries Run on a Parent-Child Tree Structure Introducing Example Data Example 1: List All Children of 1 Parent Example 2: List a Parent Node For a Child Node Example 3: Get a Generation Number (or Tree Level) for Each Node Example 4: List All Descendants Example 5: Generate a Tree View of Hierarchical Data Querying Parent-Child Trees Only Gets More Interesting What are parent-child tree structures in SQL? In this article, we answer that question, talk about query hierarchy, and demonstrate the five most common SQL queries you’ll need for these data structures. Yes, you can use SQL on a parent-child tree structure. I’ll show you how in this article. Along the way, I’ll walk you through five query examples, starting with the easiest and ending with the most complex. These will use recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs). If you’re not familiar with CTEs, I recommend our interactive Recursive Queries course. It contains over 100 exercises that teach you how to use CTEs in SQL, starting with the basics and progressing to advanced topics like recursive CTEs. Before we dig into the code, let’s look at an overview of the parent-child tree structure and how it is stored in a relational database. What Is a Parent-Child Tree? If you understand hierarchical data, you probably know that it’s a synonym for a parent-child structure. Both names are very logical; a parent-child tree structure is a set of data structured hierarchically. In other words, there are hierarchical relationships between data items. This means that one data item can be the parent of another data item, which is then called a child. Items are also called tree levels or nodes, and they can assume three main forms: Root node – The first node, where the parent-child tree starts. Parent node – This is any node that has one or more descendants (or child) nodes. Child node – Any node that has a predecessor or parent node. Real-life examples of parent-child structures include companies’ organizational structures (a company consists of departments, the departments consist of teams, and teams consist of employees), family trees (there are parents, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.), and natural taxonomies ( living things belong to a domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species). Even computer folders (C disk, Program Files, Microsoft SQL Server…) , menus (drinks, non-alcoholic beverages, tea…), art and music genres (for example, there was blues, which developed rhythm and blues, which led to soul, funk, etc.), and projects (one project has subprojects, which have tasks, subtasks, etc.) can be considered hierarchical data structures. Parent-Child Tree Structure in Relational Databases For SQL to do anything with it, a parent-child tree structure has to be stored in a relational database. These structures are usually stored in one table with two ID columns, of which one references a parent object ID. That lets us determine the hierarchy between data. In other words, we know which node is a parent node to which child node and vice versa. This might sound a little abstract, so I'll show you how it works with a simple example. And I’m going literal with it! My parent-child tree structure will show data about parents and their children. Take a look: idfirst_namelast_nameparent_id 1JimCliffyNULL 2MarkCliffy1 3VeronicaCliffy2 Here, the column id shows the child's ID. To find out who that child’s parent is, you have to look at the column parent_id, find the same ID number in the id column, and look in that row for the parent’s name. In other words, Jim Cliffy has no parents in this table; the value in his parent_id column is NULL. This means he is the root node of this tree structure. Mark Cliffy is Jim Cliffy’s son. How do I know that? Because Mark’s parent_id = 1, which is Jim Cliffy’s ID. Mark Cliffy is a child node, but he’s also a parent node. Why? Because Veronica Cliffy is Mark Cliffy’s daughter. I know that because her parent has parent_id = 2, and the table tells me that’s Mark Cliffy. Veronica Cliffy is strictly a child node; she has a parent node, but no child nodes are branching off from her. Typical Queries Run on a Parent-Child Tree Structure I’ll use the same table for each of these queries. It has the same columns as shown above, only with more rows and different values in them. Introducing Example Data The table is named parent_child and has the following columns: id – The child’s ID and the table’s primary key (PK). first_name – The child’s first name. last_name – The child’s last name. parent_id – The child’s parent’s ID. Here’s the whole table: idfirst_namelast_nameparent_id 1RosaWellingtonNULL 2JonWellington1 3JoniWellington1 4MargeWellington1 5MaryDijkstra2 6FrankWellington2 7JasonWellington3 8BobbyWellington4 9SammyWellington4 10SarahWellington4 11Sam FrancisDijkstra5 12StephenWellington6 13TrentWellington6 14JuneWellington9 15JosephineWellington9 16SuzyWellington9 You can use this table to check if the queries I’m about to show return the correct output. Example 1: List All Children of 1 Parent This is the simplest query, so I’ll use it to make you more at ease with the tree structure. Here, I want to find all the children of a specified parent. In this case, I’m interested in finding all children of a person called Marge Wellington, whose ID is 4. Here’s the little query: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM parent_child WHERE parent_id = 4; I’ve simply selected the first and the last name from the table and used the WHERE clause to show only rows where there is a 4 in the column parent_id. The result shows three rows: first_namelast_name BobbyWellington SammyWellington SarahWellington It tells me that Bobby, Sammy, and Sarah Wellington are all Marge Wellington's children. Take a look at the original table, and you’ll see that’s true. This was just a warm-up! Let’s move to the next one. Example 2: List a Parent Node For a Child Node Now, the output in the previous example was a little bit, well, basic. I’ve listed only the names of the children. It could be really helpful to show the parent’s name too. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’ll show both the child's and parent’s first name and last name. Instead of looking for a parent’s children, I’ll be now looking for the child’s parents. I want to find out who Sam Francis Dijkstra’s parent is. Besides the names, I also want to see IDs. The query for this is: SELECT child.id AS child_id, child.first_name AS child_first_name, child.last_name AS child_last_name, parent.first_name AS parent_first_name, parent.last_name AS parent_last_name, parent.id AS parent_id FROM parent_child child JOIN parent_child parent ON child.parent_id = parent.id WHERE child.id = 11; The main concept I’m introducing here is the self-join. I gave the alias child to the parent_child table, and I joined it with itself using the parent alias. By doing this, I’m acting as I’m working with two different tables. One contains the data about children; that’s why I’ve named it child. The other one has data about parents, so I’ve called it parent. The selected columns reflect that. The children’s names and IDs are selected from the “first” table. The parent’s names and IDs are selected from the “second” table. The “tables” are joined where parent_id equals id. The original table tells me Sam Francis Dijkstra’s ID is 11. I’ve used the WHERE clause to filter data and show only Sam Francis’s parent. You can also use the WHERE clause on the columns child.first_name and child.last_name. I’ve chosen to filter data using the ID because the query is a tiny bit shorter that way. Here’s the output: child_idchild_first_namechild_last_nameparent_first_nameparent_last_nameparent_id 11Sam FrancisDijkstraMaryDijkstra5 It shows Sam Francis’ mother is Mary Dijkstra, which is true. Everything clear up till now? Good. Moving on! Example 3: Get a Generation Number (or Tree Level) for Each Node In this example, I want to list every person from the table and show which generation they belong to. What’s the purpose of this? When I get that data, I can easily see who belongs to which generation: parents, children, grandchildren, etc. I’ll achieve that by using a CTE – not your everyday CTE, but a recursive CTE. If you need to refresh your CTE knowledge, here’s an article explaining what a CTE is. Here’is my query: WITH RECURSIVE generation AS ( SELECT id, first_name, last_name, parent_id, 0 AS generation_number FROM parent_child WHERE parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT child.id, child.first_name, child.last_name, child.parent_id, generation_number+1 AS generation_number FROM parent_child child JOIN generation g ON g.id = child.parent_id ) SELECT first_name, last_name, generation_number FROM generation; As every recursive CTE, mine begins with two keywords: WITH RECURSIVE. I’ve named the CTE generation. In the first SELECT statement, I’m selecting IDs and names. Additionally, there’s a new column called generation_number with a 0 for all the rows where parent_id = NULL. Why NULL? Because I know the person who is the predecessor of all other people has no parent in the table. Therefore, the value must be NULL. I’m using UNION ALL to merge the result of this SELECT statement with the second one, which will be responsible for recursion. For UNION ALL to work, the number of columns and data types must be the same in both SELECT statements. The recursive member again selects IDs and names. There’s also the column generation_number with the value generation_number+1. With every recursion, 1 will be added to this column’s previous value. As the query starts with 0, the first recursion will result in a 1 in the column generation_number, the second in a 2, and so on. To make this all work, I’ve joined the table parent_child with the CTE itself where id = parent_id. The same principle applies as with self-joining tables: the table serves as data on children, the CTE serves as data on parents. After writing the CTE, I need to use its data. I’ve done that by writing a simple SELECT statement that returns names and generation numbers from the CTE. Nice one, isn’t it? Here’s how the result looks: first_namelast_namegeneration_number RosaWellington0 JonWellington1 JoniWellington1 MargeWellington1 MaryDijkstra2 FrankWellington2 JasonWellington2 BobbyWellington2 SammyWellington2 SarahWellington2 Sam FrancisDijkstra3 StephenWellington3 TrentWellington3 JuneWellington3 JosephineWellington3 SuzyWellington3 With this result, I see that Rosa Wellington is the root node because her generation number is 0. All people with value 1 are her children, value 2 are grandchildren, and value 3 are great-grandchildren. If you check this in the source table, you’ll find out everything I’ve said is true. Example 4: List All Descendants This example is an extension of the previous one. I want to show you how to list all descendants of a parent and show both parents’ and children’s names. This is the query: WITH RECURSIVE generation AS ( SELECT id, first_name, last_name, parent_id, 0 AS generation_number FROM parent_child WHERE parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT child.id, child.first_name, child.last_name, child.parent_id, generation_number+1 AS generation_number FROM parent_child child JOIN generation g ON g.id = child.parent_id ) SELECT g.first_name AS child_first_name, g.last_name AS child_last_name, g.generation_number, parent.first_name AS parent_first_name, parent.last_name AS parent_last_name FROM generation g JOIN parent_child parent ON g.parent_id = parent.id ORDER BY generation_number; If you compare this query with the previous one, you’ll see the CTE part is identical. No need for me to go through it again. What is different is the SELECT statement referencing the CTE. But there are no new SQL concepts here either. The query selects the child’s and parent’s names and their generation number. I did this by again joining the CTE with the table parent_child. The CTE contains data for children, while the table contains data about parents. The last code line orders the result by the generation number. The query returns exactly what I wanted: child_first_namechild_last_namegeneration_numberparent_first_nameparent_last_name MargeWellington1RosaWellington JoniWellington1RosaWellington JonWellington1RosaWellington FrankWellington2JonWellington MaryDijkstra2JonWellington JasonWellington2JoniWellington SarahWellington2MargeWellington SammyWellington2MargeWellington BobbyWellington2MargeWellington Sam FrancisDijkstra3MaryDijkstra TrentWellington3FrankWellington StephenWellington3FrankWellington SuzyWellington3SammyWellington JosephineWellington3SammyWellington JuneWellington3SammyWellington Or does it? Sure, it shows every child and their parent’s name. But Rosa Wellington, the root node and matriarch of this family, is missing. And I didn’t apply any filters to exclude her. What happened? I actually did apply a filter by using JOIN in the last SELECT statement. Remember, JOIN returns only the matching rows from joined tables. Rosa Wellington is missing because she has no data about her parent; in her case, there’s no data where id can match parent_id. If you want to include her too, use the LEFT JOIN in the last SELECT: … FROM generation g LEFT JOIN parent_child parent ON g.parent_id = parent.id … And the full result is here: child_first_namechild_last_namegeneration_numberparent_first_nameparent_last_name RosaWellington0NULLNULL JoniWellington1RosaWellington JonWellington1RosaWellington MargeWellington1RosaWellington MaryDijkstra2JonWellington JasonWellington2JoniWellington SarahWellington2MargeWellington SammyWellington2MargeWellington BobbyWellington2MargeWellington FrankWellington2JonWellington TrentWellington3FrankWellington StephenWellington3FrankWellington SuzyWellington3SammyWellington JosephineWellington3SammyWellington JuneWellington3SammyWellington Sam FrancisDijkstra3MaryDijkstra If you’d like to learn more about this complex query, here’s an article dedicated to this example. Example 5: Generate a Tree View of Hierarchical Data The final example is the most complex one, but it’s also the most fun. Or its output is, at least. It would be a shame to query tree structures without being able to show data in some kind of tree shape. The task here is to show every person from the table. Also, every descendant has to be shown in a way that it’s graphically obvious whose child they are and to which generation they belong. This is a tree view. I think it's best that you wait until I get to the query output to see what I mean by that. Let’s go to work! Again, the recursive CTE saves the day: WITH RECURSIVE tree_view AS ( SELECT id, parent_id, first_name, last_name, 0 AS level, CAST(id AS varchar(50)) AS order_sequence FROM parent_child WHERE parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT parent.id, parent.parent_id, parent.first_name, parent.last_name, level + 1 AS level, CAST(order_sequence || '_' || CAST(parent.id AS VARCHAR (50)) AS VARCHAR(50)) AS order_sequence FROM parent_child parent JOIN tree_view tv ON parent.parent_id = tv.id ) SELECT RIGHT('------------',level*3) || first_name || ' ' || last_name AS parent_child_tree FROM tree_view ORDER BY order_sequence; You already know how recursive queries work. This time the CTE is named tree_view. The first SELECT statement selects some data from the table where parent_id is NULL. There’s the column level with the value 0. And I’ve used the CAST() function to change the id data type to VARCHAR; you’ll see why I need that. We again use UNION ALL to merge two queries’ results. The second SELECT statement again selects some data, with table parent_child joined with the CTE itself. The important thing is with every recursion, 1 will be added to the previous level. Also, the underscore and value from the column id will be added with every recursion. I need this little trick because I will use this column later to sort the output. That way, I’ll show the tree view properly. To make sure you understand, here’s one row from the table: idfirst_namelast_nameparent_idorder_sequence 1RosaWellingtonNULL1 2JonWellington11_2 6FrankWellington21_2_6 The column value for Frank Wellington will be 1_2_6. Why? Because Rosa, as a first level, gets value 1. Jon Wellington is her son; his ID goes to the order_sequence, which now becomes 1_2. Then Frank’s ID gets added and becomes 1_2_6. By doing this throughout the hierarchical structure, I get the column that I can use to show the output in the desired way. Back to the query. To get the result, you need a SELECT that uses the CTE data. I’m using the RIGHT() function here. It extracts a specified number of characters from the right. In my case, it removes the level*3 number of dashes for every level. I’ve also concatenated these dashes with the first and the last name. The result is sorted by the order_sequence. Are you ready to see the tree view? Here it is: parent_child_tree Rosa Wellington ---Jon Wellington ------Mary Dijkstra ---------Sam Francis Dijkstra ------Frank Wellington ---------Stephen Wellington ---------Trent Wellington ---Joni Wellington ------Jason Wellington ---Marge Wellington ------Sarah Wellington ------Bobby Wellington ------Sammy Wellington ---------June Wellington ---------Josephine Wellington ---------Suzy Wellington This simple graphical representation quite obviously shows the generational levels and who is who in this family tree. By the number of dashes, you can easily see that Jon, Joni, and Marge Wellington are Rosa’s children. Mary Dijkstra, Frank, Jason, Sarah, Bobby, and Sammy Wellington are Rosa’s grandchildren. It’s also easy to see who their parents are. You can also see who the great-grandchildren are, but I’ll leave that to you. Before finishing this off, I’d also like to recommend this article on how querying tree structures work in Oracle. Querying Parent-Child Trees Only Gets More Interesting Parent-child tree structures are quite exciting. They are a completely different set of data to what you usually query in relational databases. I’ve shown you what these hierarchical structures are and how they are represented in a table. Most importantly, I’ve shown you five queries that you can use to solve some of the most common problems regarding hierarchical data. As you saw, CTEs and recursive CTEs are vital to querying parent-child trees. I’m sure you’ve already come across hierarchical data in your work. You probably realized you have to equip yourself with detailed recursive query knowledge to tackle such data. We have a Recursive Queries Course that will systematically lead you through CTEs in general, recursive queries, and how querying hierarchical data and graphs works in SQL. Good luck with learning! And feel free to use all the queries I’ve shown you and to adapt them to your business needs. Tags: sql learn sql cte