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3 Jun 2020
Rebecca McKeown
Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn Alongside SQL
If you already know or are about to learn SQL, you’re well on your way to being a sought-after database administrator, database engineer, or just a general database whizz kid! SQL is a modern, widely-used language that finds application in almost every industry. There is no shortage of jobs with SQL. But what if you want to branch out and learn another language to complement your SQL knowledge and skills?
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2 Jun 2020
Zahin Rahman
How to Learn SQL JOINs
JOINs are one of the most fundamental and commonly used SQL commands for manipulating and querying real-world data sets. They are also one of the more challenging SQL topics to master! In this article, you’ll learn an effective strategy to learn the different types of SQL JOINs. When data is stored in a single table, we can easily retrieve rows and get all the information we need. But when businesses scale, so does their data.
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29 May 2020
Kateryna Koidan
What Are the Different Types of SQL Subqueries?
Subqueries can be used in many business cases. What subquery types does SQL offer? And how can you use them efficiently? In this article, I’ll guide you through different subquery types and the typical situations when they are useful. What Is an SQL Subquery? A subquery, or nested query, is a query placed within another SQL query. There are many different scenarios where you may want to include a query in the WHERE, FROM, or SELECT clauses of your main query.
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28 May 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
Subquery vs. JOIN
One of the challenges in writing SQL queries is choosing whether to use a subquery or a JOIN. There are many situations in which a JOIN is the better solution, and there are others where a subquery is better. Let’s consider this topic in detail. Subqueries are used in complex SQL queries. Usually, there is a main outer query and one or more subqueries nested within the outer query.
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27 May 2020
Tihomir Babic
5 Advanced SQL Constructions Every Data Analyst Should Learn
Does your job involve data analysis? Here are five examples of how advanced SQL can help you in your daily work. I’m a data analyst and I have to say – data analysts can be quite strange. Other people are usually afraid of immense amounts of data; we enjoy it. The deeper we get into data, the happier we are. An important tool for getting into data (and thus being a happier data analyst) is SQL.
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26 May 2020
Rebecca McKeown
Is it Difficult to Learn SQL?
It’s the number one question asked by the students of SQL and those new to the IT world. Is it difficult to learn SQL? If you came here because you’ve been pondering that very same question, take some comfort in the fact that in no way are you alone. Even the idea of SQL can be intimidating to those of us without a tech background, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
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22 May 2020
Kamil Bladoszewski
Subquery vs. CTE: A SQL Primer
Have you ever wondered about the differences between a subquery and a common table expression (CTE) in SQL? The concepts seem very similar, but knowing the difference – and when to use each one – will help you write efficient and readable queries. First, we’ll explain the concepts underlying subqueries and CTEs. Then we’ll look at a few examples and finally analyze the pros and cons of each technique.
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21 May 2020
Ignacio L. Bisso
How to Number Rows in an SQL Result Set
Have you ever needed to add a sequential number to the records in the result of an SQL query? It’s not as simple as it looks! Find out how to do it correctly in this article. To number rows in a result set, you have to use an SQL window function called ROW_NUMBER(). This function assigns a sequential integer number to each result row. However, it can also be used to number records in different ways, such as by subsets.
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19 May 2020
Jakub Romanowski
Major Companies Using PostgreSQL: Purposes & Examples
Which companies use the open-source relational database management system PostgreSQL? Find out … and learn why you should be a PostgreSQL user too. You know the blue elephant logo. You have heard that PostgreSQL is a very good solution. But which companies use it? Here is a list of the largest IT and business companies that use PostgreSQL (or Postgres, for short). Multinationals worth billions of dollars can't be wrong, right?
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15 May 2020
Dorota Wdzięczna
Overview of Ranking Functions in SQL
SQL ranking functions make working with relational databases easier, especially for data analysts, marketers, and financial specialists. These functions are used to assign a ranking number for each record and allow you to efficiently create useful reports. SQL ranking functions are window functions. Window functions compute the result based on a set of rows. The word “window” refers to this set of rows. Let’s look at the syntax of ranking functions:
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