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Track of the Season: SQL from A to Z in SQL Server

Maybe your company uses MS SQL Server and you’d like to join the data analysis team. Or maybe you want to add a new skill to your CV. Either way, our SQL Track of the Season: SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server, will help. In this article, I’ll answer common questions about this awesome set of online MS SQL Server courses.

If you’re reading this blog post, you probably already know that you should start learning SQL and working with databases. It pays off! SQL allows you to find and extract valuable conclusions and observe trends from data –a skill that up to now has been reserved for IT professionals.

Almost all modern companies collect and use data. One of the most frequently-used tools is SQL Server, a Microsoft solution for relational databases.

What do you need to join professionals around the world who use MS SQL Server? A good set of interactive online courses is essential, and ours are awesome!

What’s an SQL Track?

We often feel lost when we start to learn new things, especially if we’re on our own. We lack someone help us figure out what to do next, what to pay special attention to, and what to practice.

To make the self-directed learning process easier for our users, we created SQL tracks. These are logically arranged sets of online courses that help you learn SQL faster and more effectively.

Of course, you can do each SQL course in a track separately. It’s a perfect way to get knowledge on a single topic, such as using GROUP BY Extensions in MS SQL Server or practicing MS SQL Server queries. Single courses are perfect for this.

But most users want more. After doing a single SQL course, they look for new challenges. This is where our tracks come in. These are special learning paths of related courses. They help you go deep into each subsequent SQL topic. It couldn't be easier!

So why choose One reason is that we’re dedicated to SQL. Other eLearning platforms offer online courses in a variety of fields. We focus on SQL; that is our passion and what we do best. Do you dream of being a data analyst, data scientist, or a software tester? Or do you need data in your daily work? Then you've come to the right place!

SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server

We have many SQL tracks, including those in various popular dialects. (An SQL dialect works on a specific database, e.g. MySQL works for the MySQL database system, and so on.) In MS SQL Server, we offer:

SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server

If your company uses other SQL dialects, we have something for you also. You can learn MySQL or PostgreSQL. Pretty good, right?

We make sure our online SQL courses offer an excellent learning experience. Each one is developed by experts. You won’t find any fluff – only practical ways to learn and practice SQL. My friend Agnieszka describes the process of building our interactive SQL courses in Behind the Scenes at

Why Should You Learn MS SQL Server?

The simple answer is "because it pays off". The average salary of MS SQL Server specialists in the US is over $80,000! You have to admit that’s pretty good money.

Secondly, knowing MS SQL Server gives you the ability to use one of the most popular databases in the world. This makes you a more desirable employee and helps future-proof your skills.

What’s in the SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server Track?

This SQL Server track consists of 7 interactive SQL courses. It includes a total of 849 exercises, so you can master all the essential topics related to writing queries in MS SQL Server.

SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server

The seven online MySQL courses in this track are:

  1. SQL Basics in MS SQL Server - Start here if you're new to SQL Server. Learn the basics of SQL Server, retrieve data from an SQL Server database, and build simple reports.
  2. Common Functions in MS SQL Server - Learn how to use common SQL functions to process various types of data, modify textual data, perform calculations, round numbers up or down, change date and time formats, and even adjust time zone info.
  3. How to Insert, Update, or Delete Data in MS SQL Server - Discover SQL Server’s data manipulation language (DML) processes. Learn how to insert, update, and delete data.
  4. Creating Basic SQL Reports in SQL Server - Learn how to build basic SQL reports and make better-informed strategic decisions.
  5. Window Functions in MS SQL Server - Learn how to use analytic SQL functions to deeply understand data.
  6. Recursive Queries in MS SQL Server - Master the most challenging type of SQL queries. Learn how to process trees and graphs in SQL Server and how to effectively organize long queries.
  7. GROUP BY Extensions in MS SQL Server - Learn how to use ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS—three extremely useful GROUP BY extensions that will help you create sophisticated queries in no time.

We estimate it takes around 80 hours to complete all tasks in this SQL Track.

Our SQL courses are interactive. You write real SQL queries and watch them work immediately. Everything happens in our online console, so you don't need to install anything on your computer. All you need is your favorite browser and an Internet connection.

You can find useful learning tips in these articles:

Who Should Take This Track?

When creating the SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server track, we thought about the many groups that could benefit from it. First of all, it is intended for everyone who, professionally or academically, uses or would like to use relational databases. The ability to work freely with MS SQL Server is crucial in this case.

Don't worry about having any IT experience. Even if you've never written code or don’t know what databases are, you can do it! We will guide you through all the necessary steps. You will start with the simplest concepts and, step by step, climb the SQL ladder of expertise at your own pace.

This set of MS SQL Server courses is also a great way to broaden your employees' skills. Are you an entrepreneur or a team leader? Do you want to help your team grow? See how our courses can help your business.

Ready to Get Started With MySQL?

You won’t find a better place to learn MS SQL Server. If you've decided that you want to learn, congratulations! Here's what you have to do:

There are great practical exercises ahead of you; they’ll help you learn MS SQL Server. Soon you’ll be able to start using your new skills in your own projects. If you forget something, you can always go back to one of the courses or check if we have already published a solution to your problem in our SQL Cookbook. And finally, remember to subscribe to the blog.

Now that you’ve read this article, I think you already know how important it is for you to learn MS SQL Server. This is one of those skills that really pay off.

Start learning SQL now and join other data-driven experts!