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How to Overcome the Challenges of Becoming a Data Analyst

Want to become a data analyst but not sure how to do it? No worries, I'm here to help. In this guide, I'll show you the most common challenges to starting a data analysis career. I’ll also tell you about simple steps you can take to overcome these roadblocks.

A career as a data analyst can be both exciting and a bit scary. The potential to uncover insights from data and make a real impact is thrilling, but there are many skills to master and a lot to learn.

If you're just beginning, you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information out there. It’s normal to feel this way – but with a clear plan and steady effort, you can manage and defeat your fears!

This guide offers some practical steps and tips to help you navigate the challenges of becoming a data analyst.

Mastering Essential Technical Skills

Starting out as a data analyst can feel like you’re climbing a mountain. But remember, you don't need to be an expert right away. Everyone starts out as a beginner; it's perfectly normal to find the initial stages daunting.

Learning technical skills is a gradual process. Each day you spend practicing and studying brings you closer to mastering the necessary tools and techniques. Patience and persistence are key as you navigate through new concepts and skills.

Begin by learning SQL, which is crucial for managing and querying databases. You may want to start with our SQL Basics course. It covers the fundamental concepts you need to build a solid foundation for working with data. Once you’re at ease with core SQL, I recommend moving on to our SQL A to Z track, which offers comprehensive training on advanced SQL techniques.

Next, get comfortable with Python. It’s a versatile programming language used for data analysis, visualization, and building algorithms (among other things). The Python Basics track on our sister site is a great starting point. This three-course bundle covers essential concepts and provides hands-on exercises to help you understand Python’s capabilities in data analysis.

Excel is another essential tool. While it may seem basic, Excel is a powerful data manipulation program; you can use it to create pivot tables and perform initial data analysis. You may even do a large part of your data analysis using its familiar spreadsheets; many businesses still rely on Excel for various data tasks.

Finally, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI. These tools help you create appealing and clear visual representations of your data, which makes it easier to share your insights with non-technical stakeholders and leaders.

Below, I’ve put together a table of my recommended courses to help you learn the basics of SQL, Python, Excel, and the Power BI data visualization tool:


Best Course For Beginners


How Long It Takes



SQL Basics




Python Basics




The Complete Data Analytics Course in Excel




Power BI

Harnessing the Power of Data with Power BI




Grasping Key Statistical Concepts

Once you understand the tools you’ll be using, you can move on to another vital part of data analysis: statistics. Statistics are the backbone of the data analysis field; they help you make sense of data and draw accurate conclusions from your findings.

Once again, don't worry if these concepts seem complex at first; they do to most learners. Everyone has to start somewhere!

Begin with the basics like mean, median, and mode, which are fundamental measures of central tendency. Understanding these will help you summarize your data effectively. From there, move on to concepts like standard deviation and variance, which measure the spread of your data.

As you get more comfortable, dive into more advanced topics like probability distributions and hypothesis testing. These concepts will allow you to make predictions and test assumptions about your data. Online courses and data analysis textbooks can provide detailed explanations and examples to guide your learning. Here are a few I recommend:

  • Statistics 101 - This great online course at another of our sister sites, Vertabelo Academy, has 54 interactive exercises.
  • Introduction to Statistics – Available through Coursera, this Stanford University course will teach you concepts essential to data analysis.
  • Practical Statistics for Data Scientists – This awesome book includes some Python examples and real-world tips for dealing with exploratory data analysis.

Don’t limit yourself to just reading or completing the exercises you’re given in these resources. Put these concepts to use in real-world data sets and see how they really work. The more you use statistical methods, the more intuitive they will become. Keep at it and soon you'll be able to confidently apply statistical analyses to real data problems.

Interpreting Data and Communicating Insights

Interpreting data correctly – and sharing your interpretation – are one of data analysts’ biggest challenges. Your role is more than just crunching numbers; you need to understand what the data is telling you and then be able to clearly explain it to others.

To do this successfully, you start with digging into your data to find trends, patterns, and oddities. But that’s not enough; you need to look beyond the numbers to uncover the story they tell. This step is crucial to developing meaningful insights and recommendations.

Once you have your insights, explaining them simply is your next challenge. It’s best to avoid using jargon unnecessarily; simpler terms help everyone (regardless of their role or skillset) understand your findings. Clear communication is key to usable and actionable insights.

Creating visual representations of your data using tools like Tableau and Power BI seem like just another step – and a complicated one at that. But data visualization is essential. Good visuals can make your data easier to understand and more engaging for your audience. Check out our article SQL and Power BI: Transforming Data into Insights to learn more about this. And if you need some tips on how to use storytelling techniques on data, here’s a great video:

Finally, presenting your findings effectively can seem like another major hurdle. Whether you're writing a report or giving a talk, compellingly sharing your insights is a vital part of successful data analyses. Make sure you share a clear, motivating story. Use simple but eye-appealing visuals and digestible statistics to support your points. This will help your audience make informed decisions based on your findings.

Keeping up with industry trends is extremely important for any data analyst. The tools, techniques, and best practices in this field are constantly evolving, and creating accurate analyses depends on you keeping your knowledge up to date.

One way to stay current is by following reputable data analysis and data science blogs and websites. Such sites provide the latest news, trends, and tips for data professionals. Here are some great data analyst blogs I recommend you follow:

  • Towards Data Science offers articles and tutorials on various data science topics as well as industry insights.
  • KDnuggets provides news, software reviews, and opinions on data science, machine learning, and AI.
  • R-bloggers is a community blog that focuses on R programming (R is another very popular data analysis language) and other data analysis issues.
  • FlowingData focuses on data visualization techniques and examples.
  • The Blog features articles and tutorials specifically focused on SQL and database management.

Networking with other data professionals is also crucial if you want to stay at the top of your game. Join online communities, attend webinars, and participate in conferences. Engaging with fellow data analysts and data scientists provides valuable and practical insights; it’s also a great way to stay current with industry changes. For an easy way to get started, follow on LinkedIn to get updates on the latest SQL techniques and industry news.

Once you land a data analysis job, your education is not over. Continuous education is another key step towards data analysis mastery. Enroll in online courses and workshops to learn about new tools and methodologies. Platforms like Coursera and Udacity are affordable options that can keep your skills relevant.

Lastly, regularly review your tools and techniques. Keep an eye out for new or updated tools that can make your work more efficient. Staying proactive in your learning and adapting to new developments will help you remain competitive in your field.

Searching For and Landing a Data Analyst Job

Once you’ve developed your skills and kept up with industry trends, the next challenge is finding a job as a data analyst. To do this, you need to create a strong portfolio. You also need to know where to look for jobs and how to prepare for interviews.

Let’s start with your portfolio. You’ll need a solid portfolio that shows off your skills and projects; many data analysts use platforms like GitHub to share their projects. They also include examples of their work (e.g. SQL queries, Python scripts, and data visualizations) that highlight their real-world experience. This showcase of your practical and theoretical knowledge will help you stand out to employers. For tips on creating a strong portfolio, check out our article Building a Data Analyst Portfolio: All You Need to Know.

When looking for jobs, use multiple platforms. Job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn Jobs are good places to start. Also, don’t forget about sites that specialize in data roles like DataJobs,, and Dice.

Next, turn your attention to preparing for that interview. Make sure your technical skills, especially SQL, are sharp; you’ll be tested on these in interviews. Practice explaining how you solve data problems. Think about your past experiences and how they fit the job you want. And read up on common data analyst job interview questions – and how to answer them – using these resources:

Finally, customize your resume and cover letter for each job. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences and use keywords from the job description. This will help your resume and/or cover letter get past the gatekeeping software and get noticed by recruiters and managers.

By building a strong portfolio, running a smart job search, and preparing well for interviews, you’ll boost your chances of landing your first data analyst role.

You Can Overcome the Challenges of Becoming a Data Analyst!

Becoming a data analyst is an exciting and rewarding career choice. There are some challenges along the way, but you can defeat them. With dedication and continuous learning, you’ll build a strong foundation in technical skills and statistical concepts. Add in some persistence and hands-on experience, and you’ll overcome all obstacles and land that data analyst role!

And believe me, it’s worth the effort. According to Glassdoor, the average yearly total pay for data analysts in the US ranges from $87K to $137K. This shows how rewarding the field can be. Keep pushing forward, and your efforts will pay off both professionally and financially.

Stay committed, and you’ll find success in this dynamic and lucrative career!