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New Monthly SQL Practice for May 2024!

Ready for our new SQL challenge? This time, the tasks are slightly more difficult. In this course, you will assist Jason in analyzing the employee hierarchy at his company using common table expressions and recursive queries. Welcome to the May SQL Practice course!

In our May 2024 SQL Practice, you will meet Jason. He owns a company that makes riding lawn mowers. He needs HR insight into the employees at his company and has hired you as an SQL specialist to help him out. What is the department with the largest salary cost? Which employees should he promote? The answers are hidden in the database; you just need to figure out how to get them out using SQL.

This SQL Practice is at an advanced level and is aimed at those who have finished our course Recursive Queries or those who otherwise have the equivalent knowledge. You should understand common table expressions (CTEs), including recursive queries, to solve the exercises in this course. If you are not comfortable using CTEs, check out this course first and then come back here for more practice.

Our interactive SQL course is a great way to test your skills and put what you have learned so far into practice. The exercises are fun, so you do not get bored while learning. And thanks to the interactive online console, you write real SQL queries and see their results. You do not need to install or set anything up. A web browser and your willingness to practice SQL are enough.

Maybe this is the first time you’ve come across our Monthly SQL Practices. offers one SQL Practice each month: basic levels on even-numbered months and advanced levels on odd-numbered months. Each SQL Practice takes about an hour (or less!) and contains 5–10 exercises to help you hone your skills.

Each Monthly SQL Practice features a different business or hobby. We’ve had practices featuring family trees, a language school, a book exchange, a job agency, rental cars, stars and astronomy, auto repair, baking, pizza, movies, U.S. cities, and more.

Our exercises are based on real business scenarios. There are no abstract theories here, just everyday business problems. You can copy most of the SQL queries you write in these exercises and use them in your own projects. This is what they call a hands-on SQL course!

As a reminder, this month’s SQL Practice is at an advanced level. Remember to use the hints!

Practice your SQL skills and help Jason gain a better understanding of his employees. Start the May SQL Practice course now!