24 Feb 2022 Jakub Romanowski New MySQL Courses Are Here! A lot of you have been waiting for new MySQL courses on LearnSQL.com – and finally, they’re here! Now you can learn everything MySQL in a simple, understandable, and fun way. We've worked a lot with these online SQL courses and created hundreds of interactive exercises to help you learn this popular SQL dialect. If you want to communicate with the world’s most popular open-source database, our MySQL courses will help you achieve that goal! Read more 14 Dec 2021 Jakub Romanowski Top 5 MS SQL Server Courses for Beginners Every journey, including a career change, begins with the first step. If you're thinking about learning data analysis or strengthening your MS SQL Server skills arsenal, you've come to the right place. Here are the top 5 MS SQL Server online courses. Enjoy! You've probably heard that today’s organizations rely heavily on data analysis. You heard right. They are looking for employees who can navigate the world of databases and draw conclusions from data. Read more 10 Nov 2021 Jakub Romanowski A Chat with Anthony DeBarros, Author of Practical SQL Some make model ships, others collect stamps. I read SQL books. I've read a lot of them, but only a very few deserve to be called really good. Some of them were included in my Best SQL Books list. The good news is that one of them just got a new release. It was great, even better than the previous edition! Moreover, I was able to talk to its author, Anthony DeBarros. Read more 28 Oct 2021 Jakub Romanowski Top 5 Linux Distributions for SQL The world is divided into Linux lovers and people who have never tried it before. Still working on Windows or macOS? Do you want to learn SQL? Do you know a large proportion of IT professionals use Linux? It's not a coincidence. But which Linux distribution should you choose for learning SQL? Here's my factsheet to help answer that question. Linux Distribution: What Is It? What is a Linux distribution? Read more 22 Oct 2021 Jakub Romanowski New Window Functions Practice Set Is Here! Have you learned the SQL window functions? Or maybe, you forgot when and how to use them correctly? Are you preparing for an advanced SQL job interview? You've come to the right place! This is the new Window Functions Practice Set. This is very good news for all SQL learners and database professionals who want to improve their skills. The LearnSQL.com Team is proud to present the new Window Functions Practice Set! Read more 9 Sep 2021 Jakub Romanowski Top 5 SQL Audiobooks No time to learn SQL? What if I said you could learn while sitting in traffic or washing dishes? It’s possible thanks to SQL Audiobooks. Check out which ones you should listen to. I have been recommending various SQL books for a long time. If selected well, they can be a great complement to the knowledge gained in interactive online courses. If you haven't read my article yet, check it out. Read more 1 Sep 2021 Jakub Romanowski Course of the Month: Revenue Analysis in SQL Server It is impossible to run a business without a good analysis of revenue trends. But how do you do it effectively? You can rely on good old Excel, but a much better idea is to use SQL and databases. Learn how to create SQL reports and track the growth of your business with MS SQL Server. Here is the course, Revenue Trend Analysis in SQL Server. It’s FREE throughout September! Read more 25 Aug 2021 Jakub Romanowski Why Is the SQL Practice Set my Favorite Online Course? My friends know that I cannot sit still. I always have to do something, read something, and learn new stuff. It's stronger than me. But I don't complain, because this approach has only helped me in my life. I have done a ton of different online courses, but the SQL Practice Set has proved to be the best so far. Find out why. Learning SQL was not easy for me. Read more 3 Aug 2021 Jakub Romanowski Course of the Month: Creating SQL Reports in SQL Server This is another in our series of free SQL Courses of the Month. This time, you can learn SQL Reporting in MS SQL Server for free. Do you want to be able to prepare even better SQL reports? Or maybe you have some basic knowledge of SQL Server (one of the major SQL dialects) and would like to go a step further? This is the course for you. Read more 27 Jul 2021 Jakub Romanowski How to Improve New Employee Onboarding with SQL Courses Are you looking for something to improve the onboarding process of new employees at your company? If they will be working with databases and SQL, and if you need resources for them to learn quickly, choose interactive SQL online courses. You’ve just hired some new employees. Great! After a long recruitment process, you have finally managed to find people who can do the job and meet your expectations. You may have even used our advice on why it makes sense to Practice SQL Before Interviewing a Potential Employee. Read more «« « 1 2 3 … 7 8 9 … 12 » »»