9 Apr 2024 Radu Gheorghiu SQL IN Operator Why do you need to know SQL IN? Find out what you can do with this small but powerful operator. The IN operator is a fundamental tool in SQL, enabling data analysts and developers to filter and retrieve specific subsets of data from databases. While its basic usage may seem straightforward, mastering the nuances and advanced applications of the SQL IN operator can greatly enhance your SQL skills and lead to more powerful and optimized queries. Read more 20 Apr 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna How to Use LIKE in SQL: SQL Pattern Matching SQL pattern matching is a very important and useful ability. In this article, we look at how you can perform it using LIKE in SQL. SQL Pattern matching is a very simple concept. It allows you to search strings and substrings and find certain characters or groups of characters. Apart from SQL, this operation can be performed in many other programming languages. In this article, we’ll examine how you can use LIKE in SQL to search substrings. Read more