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Standard SQL Functions

Learn how to process numerical, text, and other types of data with SQL’s most-used functions.

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Introduce yourself to the standard SQL functions used in data processing. This course shows you how to use SQL to work with the following data types:

  • Text
  • Numeric
  • Date and time
  • And more

Cover image for the course 'Standard SQL Functions'

You’ll also learn about:

  • Dealing with NULLs in SQL functions
  • SQL aggregate functions

You’ll also examine the CASE WHEN expression – a powerful SQL construction that facilitates conditional computations. Finally, the SQL reporting exercises explain how to work with computing ratios and percentages.

Note: This course uses examples written in standard SQL, but not all databases comply with the SQL standard. Some minor modifications may be needed. If that’s the case, we’ll let you know in the exercise instructions. Also, many databases offer non-standard functions that do the same thing as these standard functions. We don’t cover non-standard syntax in this course; your database documentation is a good place to learn about any non-standard syntax.

What Do You Need to Take This Course?

  • A web browser and an Internet connection
  • Some understanding of SQL, such as the concepts presented in our SQL Basics course

This Course Will Teach You How To:

  • Utilize common SQL text functions
  • Identify and use standard SQL numeric functions
  • Select and implement SQL date and time functions
  • Work with NULLs in standard SQL functions
  • Understand SQL aggregate functions

Plus, you’ll get to practice your skills on 211 interactive exercises.

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Anyone who wants to learn about standard SQL functions
  • Beginning database analysts
  • Beginning developers
  • Students taking classes in relational databases
  • Business database users who want to improve their skills


The material in Standard SQL Functions is intended for intermediate users. To complete this course, you’ll need to know:

  • How to select from a single table, including writing complex WHERE conditions
  • How to JOIN tables
  • How GROUP BY and HAVING work


This course is not about user-defined functions. If you're looking for a course about user-defined functions, see the Writing User-Defined Functions in PostgreSQL course.

Table of contents


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Exercises completed


Intro Quiz

In this course we assume that you know the basics of SQL: you know how to select information from a single table, you know how to join queries and group by query results. Take the test to find out if you know SQL well enough to follow the course.

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Final Quiz

Check the knowledge of SQL functions in the quiz.


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