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Top YouTube Channels Every Data Analyst Should Follow

If you're a data analyst or looking to become one, YouTube is a great resource to help you learn and grow. In this article, I’ll share the top YouTube channels every data analyst should follow. These recommendations will give you the knowledge you need to succeed in data analysis.

YouTube is a great place to start learning data analysis, and I’m here to help you get the most out of it. I’ll show you how to find videos that are easy to follow and cover everything you need, whether you’re just starting out or looking to hone specific skills. Plus you can go at your own pace, pause, and replay whenever you need a little extra time.

I’ll show you the different types of content, from basic SQL and Excel tutorials to advanced data science techniques. Many creators share real-world examples so you’ll learn practical skills you can use straight away. And because these videos are updated often you’ll always be learning the latest tools and methods.

If you know a data analyst YouTube channel that should be on my list, comment below!

What to Look for in a Data Analysis YouTube Channel

When choosing a data analysis YouTube channel choose one where the creator explains in simple terms. It should be easy to follow even if you’re new to the topic. Make sure the teaching style matches how you like to learn.

Check if the channel covers topics you’re interested in, like data visualization or Python. It’s good if they have both beginner and advanced videos so you can keep learning. Also, check if the channel is updated regularly with new content.

And finally, check when the last video was posted. If it’s been a while it might not be active anymore. A regularly updated channel shows the creator is still engaged and adding value.

Top YouTube Channels for Data Analysts

When learning data analysis finding the right YouTube channels can make a big difference. Here are the best channels to help you build your skills and understand data analysis better. I haven’t just picked the biggest or most popular channels—I’ve picked the ones I like, value, and personally follow.

Channel Name Subscribers Number of Videos   Channel Link
1 Tech TFQ 321K 137 Subscribe
2 Curbal 136K 1000+ Subscribe
3 Mo Chen 115K 181 Subscribe
4 LearnBI 99.5K 101 Subscribe
5 Guy in a Cube 456K 1000+ Subscribe
6 Egor Howell 8K 66 Subscribe

Tech TFQ

TechTFQ is a must-follow if you’re looking to get better at SQL and data engineering. The channel is packed with straightforward tutorials that make learning SQL feel much more approachable.

The creator takes you through each query and concept step by step so you can follow along and apply it to your work. It’s a great place to start if you want to build your SQL skills from scratch.

What I love about Tech TFQ is how practical and relevant the content is. The videos often focus on real-world scenarios, which helps you see how SQL and data engineering fit into the bigger picture. The channel is regularly updated with new videos, so there’s always something new to learn. It’s a solid resource if you want to improve your data engineering skills and stay up-to-date with industry practices.


Curbal is a fantastic channel if you want to really get into Power BI and data visualization. Ruth, the creator, has a knack for making complicated stuff easy to understand, so you can learn whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills. The channel is full of helpful tutorials, tips, and real-world examples that make Power BI feel a lot less intimidating. Plus, she keeps the content fresh with regular updates, so you’re always learning something new.

Ruth also has a second channel called Curbal Data Labs, which is just as awesome. This channel is where she explores more advanced and experimental topics in data analysis. Together, these two channels cover a lot of ground. Curbal helps you with the practical, everyday skills you need, while Curbal Data Labs lets you dive into more complex and exciting data projects. Following both will really help you stay ahead and keep learning.

Mo Chen

If you're looking for expert guidance in data analysis, Mo Chen’s channel is a must-follow. Mo brings his years of experience to his tutorials and it shows in the way he teaches. He’s not just teaching you the tools he’s sharing valuable insights and best practices that only come from someone who has been there and done that.

Mo blends his deep industry knowledge with practical, actionable advice. His tutorials are grounded in real-world scenarios, so you’re not just learning theory—you’re getting tips and techniques that you can apply directly in your work.


LearnBI is one of those channels you’ll want to subscribe to and hit the like button straight away. What makes it stand out is it teaches you how to use BI tools in a business context. Adam, the author, creates tutorials that are super practical and focused on helping you solve real business problems with data, so it’s a great resource if you want to make data-driven decisions.

One of the best things about LearnBI is it bridges the gap between learning technical skills and applying them in the workplace. The content is very hands-on showing you not just how to use tools like Power BI or Excel but how to think critically about data and turn it into actionable insights.

Guy in a Cube

Guy in a Cube is a go-to channel if you’re serious about mastering Power BI and Microsoft’s data tools. Run by Adam and Patrick, who both have extensive experience working at Microsoft, this channel offers insider knowledge that you won’t find anywhere else. Their deep understanding of Power BI, combined with their clear and engaging teaching style, makes learning these tools both accessible and enjoyable.

Both guys in the cube don’t just show you how to use Power BI they help you use it in real-world scenarios. Whether you’re troubleshooting issues, optimizing performance, or getting the most out of your data this awesome YouTube channel has insights only true experts can provide.

Egor Howell

Egor Howell’s channel is a great place to start if you’re a beginner in data analysis or thinking of making a career change in this field. His videos are especially useful if you’re building foundational skills in data analysis whether you’re new to the field or transitioning from another career.

Egor focuses a lot on practical advice and real-world applications, which is great for anyone looking to break into the data industry. He regularly shares tips on how to approach data analysis projects and how to think like a data analyst, which can be really useful when preparing for a job interview. Looking to start a career in data analysis? Egor Howell’s channel is a great resource to help you get there.

Tips for Maximizing Learning from YouTube as a Data Analyst

To truly excel, you should explore other learning methods as well. Consider taking online courses, reading books and working on real world projects. Hands-on practice is key to reinforcing what you learn on YouTube. By combining YouTube with these other resources you’ll get a deeper and more rounded understanding of data analysis. Here’s what you can actually do to grow your skills.

Creating a Learning Schedule

Creating a learning schedule can really boost your progress. Start by setting specific times each week to watch YouTube tutorials or practice data analysis. You might want to try the Pomodoro technique, where you focus for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. This method helps you stay focused and avoid burnout.

Consistency is key to building a habit. Stick to the same times each week so learning becomes a habit. To keep everything organized use tools like Notion (it’s my favorite) to jot down your thoughts, track your progress, and plan your next steps. This way you can see how far you’ve come and what you need to focus on next.

Remember to be flexible with your schedule. If you miss a session, just adjust and keep going. The important thing is to stay on track and continue learning, even when life gets busy.

Engaging with the YouTube Community

Don’t just watch videos—take the time to leave comments, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Many creators and viewers are active in the comments section, offering tips, answering questions, and providing different perspectives. This interaction helps you clarify concepts and learn from others’ experiences.

Joining discussions and participating in live streams or Q&A sessions can also connect you with other learners who share your interests. This sense of community can keep you motivated and provide support when you hit roadblocks. Plus by contributing your insights you’re not only helping yourself but also others in the community creating a positive learning environment for everyone.

Complementing YouTube Learning with Other Resources

One resource I recommend is SQL for Data Analysis track. It is perfect if you want to get really good at SQL, which is super important for data analysts. This course is well-organized and walks you through SQL step by step, with practical exercises to help you apply what you’re learning.

Top YouTube Channels for Data Analyst

It’s a great way to make sure you truly understand SQL beyond what you might pick up from YouTube.

Books and other online resources can also add depth to your learning. Reading a book on data analysis or following a detailed tutorial can help you dive deeper into topics that interest you. Here are some articles that will help you find the perfect resources for you:

By combining YouTube with these other resources, you get the best of both worlds. You have the flexibility and variety of YouTube, along with the depth and structure of courses and books. This approach will help you build a solid foundation and become a more confident data analyst.


This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to valuable YouTube channels for data analysts. The channels I’ve highlighted will help you build your skills, whether you’re new to data analysis or looking to deepen your expertise.

There are many more out there so keep exploring and finding those that fit your learning style. By following and engaging with these resources regularly you’ll keep improving and stay current with data analysis.

Remember, YouTube is just one tool in your learning toolkit. Pair it with other resources, like’s online courses and practical projects, to become a well-rounded and confident data analyst.

Keep learning and stay curious!