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Fall 2024 Track of the Season: SQL from A to Z

Updated on: October 07, 2024

During Fall 2024, our main SQL track, SQL from A to Z, will be in the spotlight. In this article, we answer the most frequently asked questions about this track.

At, our SQL courses are organized into tracks. A track is a sequence of courses designed to help you achieve a specific learning goal. The courses in the track are in a recommended order that progresses from the easiest to the most challenging. This way, you get the SQL fundamentals before trying to tackle more advanced topics.

We believe that every journey begins with the first step. And the first step cannot be too big, because then you may not get anywhere. A well-thought-out learning process is key to success.

SQL from A to Z takes you from that first step to a well-rounded understanding of using SQL professionally. Thus, it will be our highlighted learning track during Fall 2024. So, let’s talk about what this course is, what it covers, and who it’s for.

But first, let’s answer a very basic question:

What Is SQL?

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is used to ‘talk’ to databases. It allows you to select very specific data and to build very complex reports. Today, SQL is the universal language of data. It is indispensable in practically all technologies that process data. Knowledge of SQL is essential for data analysts, data scientists, financial analysts, software engineers, or even managers who need to make data-based decisions. You can find out more about SQL in the following video from our YouTube channel We Learn SQL:

At, we offer interactive SQL courses at all levels of proficiency: for complete beginners, intermediate users trying to deepen their SQL knowledge, non-IT professionals looking for ways to use SQL in business, and seasoned IT pros wanting to improve their SQL toolkit.

What Is the SQL from A to Z Learning Track?

SQL from A to Z

SQL From A to Z is’s main learning track. We’re really proud of it. Thanks to it, even a person without any IT experience can become an advanced SQL user. Do you want to become a SQL professional? This track is for you!

The SQL From A to Z learning track is a complete SQL learning path. It is designed to teach you all the SQL features currently available, from foundations to advanced topics used in data reporting and software engineering. This is what distinguishes our track from those by other SQL platforms. We give you everything in one place. We know you don’t want to waste time tracking down worthwhile courses.

There are 7 SQL courses that make up this track:

The SQL From A to Z is the most comprehensive online SQL learning solution. Taking this track is the only opportunity (that we know of) to learn all these SQL features in one place. After you complete the track, you’ll have mastered most features of modern SQL.

Who Should Take SQL from A to Z?

The track is designed for complete beginners who have no previous knowledge of SQL or coding. We recommend the track to people who want to master complete SQL. The track is ideal for data analysts and data scientists who need to use SQL in their job. We also recommend this track for IT professionals (e.g. programmers, software engineers, data engineers, database administrators) who work with data. Also, computer science students or anyone taking database or data analytics classes will find it helpful. And the track is perfect as a refresher before a job interview.

Making great decisions.

How Long Does It Take to Complete This Track?

We estimate it takes 91 hours to complete all 7 courses. If you work on the courses 8 hours a day, you could complete the courses in less than two weeks!

On a more serious note: we recommend spacing the courses over at least two or three months to let the knowledge sink in. Here’s a realistic three-month plan to complete our SQL from A to Z track:

If you've just decided to learn SQL, this could be one of the best decisions in your career. Maybe you will get a promotion or will finally be able to apply for your dream job. There are many different types of database jobs you could have. Pick one of them and start being awesome!